Attendance @ Court Fields

We pride ourselves at Court Fields on students' attendance. We strive to ensure and encourage a high level of attendance for all students in order that they maximise their educational achievement.  We want to ensure that the attendance of all students is in line with Court Fields School’s definition of regular attendance, this is 96%. 

The School Day

It is an expectation that all students are in school by 8:35am for the warning bell and in tutor by 8:40am when formal registration begins. Students remain in school until 3:15pm when they are dismissed from lesson 5. It is an expectation that students partake in extra-curricular and enrichments wider than the core curriculum. This may mean students spend additional time at school after 3:15pm. 


Attendance and Punctuality Across the Trust, good, excellent and outstanding attendance and punctuality are acknowledged and rewarded. 

  • Governors, Directors and staff within the Trust recognise the high correlation between achievement and attendance and strive to maintain high levels of attendance for all students.
  • Parents have the responsibility to ensure attendance at school. Unless there is a major health concern, attendance should rarely drop below 96%.
  • We ask for the cooperation of all parents in helping the school to monitor attendance closely.
  • We award students termly for attendance via our Class Charts platforms. 100 Club also runs half termly, awarding students for 100% attendance during specified periods. 
  • Any planned medical absence should be notified by telephone or letter. As far as possible, appointments should be made out of school hours. Once the school has obtained confirmation, the school will authorise the absence if the reasons given are considered appropriate e.g. illness, unavoidable medical appointment etc. If the reasons given are not appropriate, the absence will be considered as unauthorised and the parent contacted. The school will follow up any absence which has not been notified.

How attendance can effect your child’s learning

Each day missed adds up over the year, as you will see below your child's attendance to school will impact on their overall outcomes.

How we will communicate your child’s attendance

We will keep you updated of your child's attendance particularly if we are concerned using the flow chart below, it shows how we support you as a school to improve attendance where there are concerns.



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