Curriculum at Court Fields School

We want every young person at Court Fields to achieve their full potential, enjoy a strong sense of belonging and participate fully in the life of the school and our community. Our curriculum is at the heart of our school. It is the key driver to ensuring that we achieve this vision and our vehicle for ensuring success and equity of opportunity for all of our students.

Our curriculum has been built on our thorough engagement with research and cognitive science and has, at its heart, the following principles:

  • The curriculum is our progression map. Knowledge in each subject is built incrementally on what has come before and we ensure students are secure in their prior knowledge before moving on to more difficult concepts.
  • Essential knowledge in each subject area has been mapped out by expert subject specialists, often working alongside our primary and further education colleagues, to ensure students gain a deep and secure expertise.
  • Knowledge is systematically revisited over time to ensure long term retention for the future and allowing students to become confident and expert in each subject area.
  • We do not narrow our curriculum. In key stage 3 our students experience the full range of subjects and breadth within each subject.
  • In order to learn effectively, students must build their understanding one block at a time. Our curriculum avoids ‘cognitive overload’ by focusing on learning one stage at a time. 

The richness of our curriculum empowers our students to make choices, be prepared for their next steps and be in control of their futures. It creates confident communicators, able to effectively articulate their ideas, read write and listen. It develops numerate and technologically literate problem solvers and allows our students to become team players who can keep themselves and others safe. The curriculum guides our young people to become culturally curious, to value equality and diversity and promotes the spiritual, moral, mental and physical health of themselves and their peers. 

The Curriculum Offer

In key stage 3 (years 7 to 9) the subjects followed by all students are:

  • English, Mathematics, Science, 1 Modern Foreign Language, Geography, History, Art, Music, Drama, Physical Education, Computing, Technology, Religious Education, PShCE (Personal Social Health Careers Education)

In key stage 4, the subjects followed by all students are:

  • English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science, Physical Education, Religious Education and PSHCE

Students have a further three options from the following:

  • Sciences: Separate Sciences
  • Humanities: Geography, History
  • Languages: Spanish, French
  • Creative and Performing Arts: Art, Photography, Music (BTEC), Performing Arts (BTEC)
  • Physical Education: GCSE PE, Fitness and Exercise (OCR)
  • Technology: Computer Science, IMedia (OCR), Design and Technology, Food and Nutrition
  • Health and social Care (OCR) 

Curriculum Map

Would you like more information on the curriculum?

For more information regarding our school curriculum, please contact Mr. Martyn Dudley on the main telephone number:
(01823 664201).


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