Literacy is defined as the ability to read, write, speak and listen in a way that lets us communicate effectively and make sense of the world. A key element of literacy is reading, which brings significant benefits that have a lifelong positive impact on children’s lives.
(Book Trust 2024)
Aim: At Court Fields School we develop confident readers who enjoy a diverse range of texts and are challenged to improve their reading skills whilst promoting a love of reading.
We know that ‘reading’ covers decoding, comprehension and fluency. Our Reading strategies handbook supports our staff, and their application of strategies implemented and embedded across the school - Reading Handbook
We have a fantastic provision in the library with a huge range of non-fiction and fiction texts, from a diverse range of authors including a range of themes. The library is very well attended by a wide range of pupils and book loans are high.
Our reading strategy is broken down into 3 areas: Developing a love of reading, reading across the curriculum and progressional reading.