Head of Year 10: Mr J Reed

As Head of Year 10, I am looking forward to taking the year group along on the next part of their Court Fields journey. Over the year, I am excited to see the enriching and self-developing experiences the pupils will take on and achieve in. I encourage all of the pupils within my year group to participate in as many activities the school has to offer, as well as continuing to enjoy their own outside of school hobbies.

The opportunities the pupils can experience at Court Fields are extensive, and the idea of being able to belong within the school and share their experiences together is something I am looking forward to as Head of Year. These opportunities are beneficial to all of the pupils and will give them those skills and knowledge that they can use over their time at Court Fields and beyond.

As Head of Year 10, my expectations of the pupils are to be punctual, polite and hardworking. Having these values accompanied by the skills they will learn as part of the Court Fields experience, will see them strive and succeed in the future.

Form Tutors

Form tutors are the first point of contact for any concerns or queries that you may have. The Form tutor will then decide upon the appropriate course of action required.

Please see the Pastoral Structure for details of the Year 10 Tutors: 

All Court Fields staff email addresses use the @courtfields.bep.ac format. Please check Class Charts if you're unsure of Teacher initials.


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