Head of Year 11: Mr M Rooke

I have high expectations for all students in Year 11 and as a pastoral team we endeavour to support students’ needs in all aspects. 

With the introduction of the new house system, this will give students a platform to embed our school ethos. With participation in a wide range of extracurricular activities and competitions, giving them a sense of belonging to the school which in turn will aid their achievement within school. 

My expectation for the year group is to be hard working, punctual and kind to each other. Having these skills going forward on their Court Fields journey, students will surely reach their full potential and achieve the outcomes they deserve.

Form Tutors

Form tutors are the first point of contact for any concerns or queries that you may have. The Form tutor will then decide upon the appropriate course of action required.

Please see the Pastoral Structure for details of the Year 11 Tutors: 

All Court Fields staff email addresses use the @courtfields.bep.ac format. Please check Class Charts if you're unsure of Teacher initials.


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