Head of Year 8: Mr J Nicholls

As the Head of Year 8, I eagerly anticipate the wide range of experiences we can share together and the exciting challenges we will be able to access on our journey through secondary school.

I believe wholeheartedly in participation and I advise students to try everything safely and responsibly. By entering into and exploring new interests and pursuits students find interesting, they will expand horizons and collect valuable life experiences.

My expectations of the year group are to be hard working students who focus fully upon academic performance while immersing themselves in the Court Fields Experience. I would like to witness teamwork and cooperation from all tutor groups and support for each other at every opportunity. With politeness and gratitude, students will enhance the character traits highlighted, to prepare them for their next steps.

I feel the school ethos allows our students every opportunity to develop their sense of belonging within the school community. With their participation in the enormous variety of enrichment activities available, their sense of belonging will provide the motivation and determination, to boost their potential and offer the chance to achieve their targets and goals.

Form Tutors

Form tutors are the first point of contact for any concerns or queries that you may have. The Form tutor will then decide upon the appropriate course of action required.

Please see the Pastoral Structure for details of the Year 8 Tutors: 

All Court Fields staff email addresses use the @courtfields.bep.ac format. Please check Class Charts if you're unsure of Teacher initials.


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